Fitness - Nutrition & Weight Loss

90 Day Challenge

Our 90 Day Challenge is the worlds #1 90 day platform for weight loss and fitness results. No matter what your fitness goals are, whether it be to lose weight, gain strength, boost your energy, become more healthy, or maintain your already amazing fit body, Body By Vi has a Kit to fit your needs! Join our 90 Day Challenge and start getting those results you always dreamed of getting. Also, learn how to get your product for FREE each and every month!!!

What is the Challenge?

ViSalus is challenging you to make your health a priority for the next 90 days. It's the fastest-growing health challenge in North America, offering over $47 million a year in free products, prizes and dream vacations for those with the most inspiring 90-Day results.


GET YOUR KIT FOR FREE Studies have shown that you're more likely to have success towards any health goal when you've got others by your side. The Challenge helps you do this by giving you your Challenge Kit for free each month when you help at least 3 friends join the Challenge with you. What's better than getting fit for free?!?