Kelly Schmidt is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and Okinawian Karate with over 33 years of martial arts training. Kelly has been teaching Tae Kwon Do for over 12 years. She enjoys the sport aspect of the art and knows it offers character development and safe competition for her students.

Kelly trained with many great legends in the Martial Arts industry, including Billy Blanks (founder of TaeBo), and Earnest Hart, Jr. (four-time world kickboxing champion). She has competed across the Midwest and held State and National Championship Titles. Along with teaching martial arts, Kelly is a Fitness Instructor teaching children and adults about the importance of living a healthy, active life. Kelly's is a National Security Alliance Regional Agent for the Kid-Safe Network Division. She has over 9 years of experience teaching Rape Awareness, Sexual Assault Prevention to high school youth and "Good Touch, Bad Touch" to elementary children in the Jefferson County Public Schools.

Kelly's passion in martial arts is to see people of all ages gain confidence in themselves through their training. Her mission is to keep our children safe and to help them all become strong leaders in our community. Kelly has a passion for serving God though the talents and gifts He has given her. She believes her children are some of her greatest accomplishments and considers herself one of the proudest parents in the world.